How to get your API key with captcha service

In this tutorial let's configure your account to start earning credits and money by solving captchas, even from the comfort of your desktop without having to login in the main webpage.

What is 9kw? 

9kw is a online service to earn credits and money by solving captchas for other users (and yours too). You can integrate the API key within a lot of known SEO tools and plugins easily. You can register here, they’ll send you an e-mail to verify your account.

API Key 

You must create the API keys according to the software or plugin to use. In our case, we’re going to create 2 keys; one for solving captchas from the desktop app (GUI), and the other key is for iMacros, used on automated scripts or bots (Mozilla).

Now login and enter in ‘API Key’ (right panel, next to your main balance).

You’ll see no active keys, so go to ‘One Click API Key’ and create a ‘iMacros’ key, and then create a ‘9kwGUI' key.

Remember to copy both keys because you’re going to need them from now.

Now your keys are active and ready. Nothing more to modify, unless you want to delete or deactivate each key.

Configure Self Solve Option

You have to enable the ''Sandbox'' option in order to activate or change the self solve configuration. By default you earn credits solving captchas for others but you can earn solving your own captchas too (or submitted throught your API key). For this, you must set ‘Self Solve’ and ‘Self Solve automatically for captchas’ to ‘YES’.

Now go to ‘Userconfig’ (right panel, next to API Key) and tick on ''Advanced Settings'' and then press enter.

To configure your account by ''Default'', that is, you will receive captchas from others and yours too, then you must set ‘Self Solve’ and ‘Self Solve automatically for captchas’ to ‘YES’ and 'Typ' to 'All'.

But if you want to ONLY self solve your OWN captchas, just change 'Typ' to 'Only own'.

Software and Plugins

Done this, we’re ready to download the GUI app for solving captchas from our desktop. Go to ‘Plugins’ tab, and you will see a list of software tools to solve captchas more convenient and comfortable than on the website to earn credits.

In ‘Software List’, ‘Earn credits’ section, you will see the link to download the app for our desktop/PC, in this case, for Windows, 9kw GUI. You can check out other tools in case of problems with compatibility too.

First Credits
As you can see, the 9kw GUI app is light and portable. Open and configure it with your API key, 9kwGUI API key. Go to ‘Edit’, input the key and save it. There are more options available but you may configure as you will.

You have 30 seconds to solve each captcha; if the counter reach to zero, the app will stop and you must click ‘Start’ again. YOU MUST USE ‘SKIP’ FOR CAPTCHAS YOU CANNOT SOLVE OR DON’T KNOW HOW TO SOLVE (IMPORTANT). You won’t be banned or suspended but your errors won’t be credited or submitted. So please be serious and accurate when working with captchas.

Credits to Cash (Optional)

With more than 140.000 credits in your account (10 EUR) you can cash out to Paypal. You can activate this option in ‘Userconfig’ then in ‘Rewards’ and scroll down to ‘Provide active help’. You have to reach 250 credits first, then activate and save.

You’re done and ready to start solving captchas!

Final Tips
  • Before you start to solve captchas, I highly advice to read the online tutorial that briefly explains how to best solve captchas to get credits (Help section in 9kw).
  • Solving captcha’s on the website gives you +7 credits and with apps gives you +8/10 credits. Each time someone solves your captcha it will cost you 10 credits. With the “Priority (1-10)” settings you can give your captcha request extra priority. Increasing the priority cost minimal +1 extra credits.
  • One (1) API key per instance/session. If you use the same key in two different locations at the same time will give you errors.
  • iMacros API key only for Firefox iMacros add-on. The scripts or bots will solve every captcha on automatic as long as you have enough credits in your account.
  • Check out the Help and FAQ section in for more relevant information.

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